Friday 30 October 2009 is run by the effortlessly stylish 23year old St.Martians student Gala Gonzalez.
She launched her fashion blog when she made the move from Spain to London. The reason being she 'had no-one to experiment with' and needed a new way to play with fashion so began taking daily snaps of her outfits in Spitalfields in London against her favourite white wall.
Her style is an eclectic collection of high street finds, celebrating a love for Topshop, charity shop gems and designer shoes and handbags with lashings of jewellery and trademark hair down to her waist.

She's a key player in the new era where bloggers are taking over fashion icons and are being put top of lists for freebies and front row seats.
Her love of London that she hails through nearly every blog is refreshing. The photo documentation of the party's throughout Europe that she attends, being the creative director for the Spanish based brand Linea U, being interviewed and photographed for editorials almost weekly due to the popularity of, you can't help but be a little jealous of this beautiful twenty-something.

Gala is definitely someone who needs to be watched so thank goodness she has a blog we are able to stalk daily and we have the feeling it's only going to get bigger.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

The influence of fashion bloggers.

A new fashion revolution is going on. You need to forget Kate Moss and Cheryl Cole-the most established brands from Chanel to Topshop are getting all the more desperate to let blogonistas everywhere wear their clothes to pose as new muses.

No longer is it a niche group of women searching for a new way to release their passion for fashion. They have ultimately become a major influence to the fashion industry. Marc Jacob's paid a huge tribute to the blogger 'Bryanboy' by naming a handbag 'BB' in his A/W 08 collection. Luella Bartley reported last week that after the shows her first port a call is always the blogosphere world, her priority to sense the blogger opinions.
Designers are seeing it as a new way to reach out to young girls, they see the new Prada bag on their favorite blogger, a normal girl and they want to copy.

Being able to keep a faster finger on the fashion pulse is instantly appealing to everyone and with the idea of new fashion icons developing daily with original ideas of how to dress, general news and updates on their own day to day routines keeps readers hooked and clicking frequently.
For Four weeks were going to introduce you to the top four blog's we feel you should be scrolling your mouse over and hopefully they will inspire your 'daily outfits'.